Houlihan Capital – Certified in “Blockchain Fundamentals for Accounting and Finance Professionals”

Houlihan Capital – Certified in “Blockchain Fundamentals for Accounting and Finance Professionals”

Houlihan Capital is pleased to announce that we are certified in “Blockchain Fundamentals for Accounting and Finance Professionals”. This certificate is provided by the AICPA and CIMA. Houlihan Capital has significant experience in valuing digital assets since January 2018. We can help with the valuation process, including reviewing or drafting…
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The SEC’s View on SPAC Warrants

The Securities and Exchange Commission is stepping up scrutiny of special-purpose acquisition companies (“SPACs”). In various statements released over the last few weeks, the SEC has highlighted several financial reporting and governance issues raised by the merger of a SPAC and target company. Most recently, on April 12th, the SEC…
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Uptick in Dividend Recaps – Reduce the Risk (2021)

Thanks to an accommodative U.S. monetary policy and the market’s optimistic assessment of corporate default risk, we have entered a period that some in the fixed income industry are referring to as “The Golden Age of Credit.” Interest rates have fallen to historically low levels, even for already leveraged companies…
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Financial Services Update – Webinar

Andrew Smith, President at Houlihan Capital, recently joined RSM  and Mainstream Group for a virtual discussion to share insights on today's rapidly changing environment due to COVID-19. Topics Discussed: Data incomparability What is fair value Lag in financials (Consistency) Valuation, quarter to quarter (stale marks) Dry powder, looking for deals…
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