Distort Valuations, Lose Your Investors.

Distort Valuations, Lose Your Investors. Recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced that Equinox Fund Management LLC (“Equinox”), a Denver-based alternative fund manager, agreed to settle charges that the firm willfully violated Sections 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933, and caused its managed futures fund, The Frontier…
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Industry Updates are Available for Q4 2015

Houlihan Capital provides Quarterly Updates on the following industries as of December 31, 2015. Information includes valuation metrics, performance data and M&A Activity. Click on the following links below to access reports for the following industries: Aerospace, Defense & Government Asset Management Banking Building Products Business Development Companies Business Services…
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Understanding Valuations of Unicorns

When venture capitalist Aileen Lee coined the term “unicorn” in the fall of 2013 to describe a start-up technology company that had achieved a valuation exceeding $1 billion, it was a fitting description of an exceptionally rare phenomenon. Today, in the middle of what some industry veterans are describing as…
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Why Valuations Matter to Lenders

Why Valuations Matter to Lenders On March 22, 2013, bank regulators consisting of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (collectively, the “agencies”) jointly issued final guidance[1] on leveraged lending. Ostensibly, the goal of…
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